Trouble follows exotic dancer Sarrah everywhere she goes, but things take a turn when she is targeted by the Rising Suns Hospice...
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Progress Report
about 1 year ago
– Mon, Jan 08, 2024 at 04:39:50 PM
Happy New Year all!
I wanted to check in and let you all know we're approaching art completion!
I know we're a bit behind and I apologize, but the art Fredy is providing is beautiful and I hope you'll all love it as much as I do. Speaking of...
What's a good horror book without a severed eyeball?
The magnets are in and as soon as Fredy wraps up the final pages we'll get this bad boy lettered, printed and in your hands!
Can't wait!!
In the meantime...
There's a new Canceled story live on Kickstarter right now!
Come see Larry take on Santa in Christmas is Canceled. Part of the Holiday Spirits Vol 3:
I know Christmas has passed, but it's never too late for a little bit of Holiday Spirit!
BACK IT HERE to get this fun story in the Canceled universe with stories from 30 awesome indie creators collaborators teaming up for the third awesome installment!
Won't you come and join us?
Progress report! Art is coming along and cards are in!
about 1 year ago
– Thu, Dec 07, 2023 at 06:09:48 PM
Hello all!
It's been a little bit since we had an update, so I wanted to check in with you all.
Fredy has been progressing with the pages and I love what I'm seeing! We're about 70% finished on the art and as soon as that's done, we'll get it lettered and out to you asap!
Fredy's latest page for your viewing pleasure...
Clean and NSFW versions of Skin Deep page
Trading Cards are in
And I love them!
Hospice: Skin Deep Sarrah trading card
Everyone is getting these in their reward packages, so I hope you love them, too!
I'll check back in soon as the art gets finished up, thank you all for your patience, this book is going to look great!
Thank you all! What's next?
over 1 year ago
– Sat, Oct 21, 2023 at 11:30:58 AM
Thank you to all of you for the support!
We didn't know how any of this was going to go when Travis came up with the shared universe of Hospice. What we got was 6 successful campaigns, and thanks to all of you, SkinDeep was a rousing success!
Now, I'll build out the BackerKit survey's where you will pick your covers and options - and you'll be able to do additional add-ons if you'd like!
Fredy continues to draw the book, then Joel Rodriguez will letter it. As soon as that is complete we'll get the digital files out and commencing printing right away!
We do have a handful of error pledges that we hope will get fixed soon. I'll be sending direct messages to everyone who had an issue soon.
Final Stretch Goal
We did hit the final stretch goal of the trading card on the final day of the campaign, so everyone who backed for a physical tier will be receiving that with their order!
Stay tuned here for more updates as I have them, once again THANK YOU!
5th Hospice campaign ends tomorrow! NYCC Ashcan Announcement!
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 05:45:28 PM
As we march along to the next stretch goal...
The 5th and last campaign that isn't this one ends tomorrow.
I've made these live on my website in limited quantities in both clean and NSFW versions. The post campaign BackerKit surveys will include a chance to get these as well, but these are in hand and will ship prior to the campaign fulfilling!
We are thrilled to be back on Kickstarter with TurnerFamilyTerrors Issue #4: JudgmentNight! - an adrenaline-fueled 32 page, explosive final chapter to our first ever story arc! It's the mini-series grand finale with a shocking TWIST that’ll tee this series up for many misadventures to come. TFT is the new horror-comedy starring monster-slaying, foul-mouthed, bumbling adventurers The Turner Family! Think The Simpsons meets Hellboy.
With New York Comic Con coming next weekend we have created this beautiful Skin Deep Ashcan preview edition in print. These will be available at the convention and on my website, but I'll also make them available as add-ons here.
From writer Laurie Foster! They call her the Hearteater, a pirate known for seducing her way across the seven seas in search of adventure. No lock can keep her out and no target can resist her ample charms.